Dr. Manuel Illi

Dr. Manuel Illi

Promotion 2015
Dissertationsprojekt: „Sprache in Wissenschaft und Dichtung. Diskursive Formationen von Mathematik, Physik, Logik und Dichtung im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert“

seit 2009
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Neuere deutsche Literaturgeschichte der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für deutsche Philologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

2006 – 2008
Masterstudiengang „Ethik der Textkulturen“ an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

2001 – 2007
Studium an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: Neue deutsche Literaturwissenschaft, Philosophie, Germanistische Linguistik

  • Literatur und Sprachphilosophie
  • Literatur und Wissenschaften (Physik, Mathematik)
  • Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts
  • Mythentheorie und Mythenrezeption
  • Fotografie und Literatur
  • Literatur und Bibel


Herausgegebene Bände

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

vollständige Übersicht

  • Paragesellschaften. Parallele und alternative Sozialformationen in den Gegenwartskulturen und -literaturen

    (Drittmittelfinanzierte Einzelförderung)

    Laufzeit: 22. Mai 2016 - 31. Januar 2021
    Mittelgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
  • ELINAS - Erlangen Center for Literature and Natural Science

    (FAU Funds)

    Laufzeit: 1. Januar 2014 - 31. Dezember 2017
    URL: http://elinas.fau.de/

    Physics, literature and literary criticism are discourses of knowledge production which have drifted apart considerably in the course of the modern functional differentiation of social systems. At the same time, both discourses contribute to the comprehension and mastery of present and future problems which invariably have both technological and cultural implications. Technologies and natural science often acquire the status of wordlviews and central myths. They determine human life worlds and are therefore of tremendous cultural relevance. With the aesthetic representation of key signatures of its time, literature forms an interdiscourse, reintegrating functionally differentiated systems of knowledge into the horizon of the life world. At present more well informed and highly reflective literary texts dealing with physical issues are being published than ever before. By means of dialogue and narration, they translate physical knowledge from mathematical-symbolic into verbal-polyvalent forms of representation and re-embed it in specific cultural contexts. Recent literary criticism and linguistic studies have therefore begun to investigate discursive and narrative modulations of physical theories both in literary texts and in scientific literature. Natural Science is itself becoming increasingly aware, both of the linguistic dimension of scientific communication and research and of the general cultural dimension of knowledge. The analysis of concept formation in the natural sciences can profit from the competence of literary theory, while the analysis of the transformation of physical knowledge in literary texts needs to be complemented by a sound knowledge of physical theory. ELINAS provides a platform for this exchange: it develops this research field historically and systematically, bringing together the competences in the fields of literary and cultural studies as well as the natural sciences represented by the departments to which the members belong.

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  • Stiftungen (Auswahl von Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Grundförderung für das Ev. Studienwerk Villigst e.V.)
    seit 15. Januar 2010

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